dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2012
Marcelo Flores and your natural habitat
Today Gerard and Marc go to the zoo. They visit the animals and they go see the monkeys. The monkeys were beautiful. The woman of the monkeys she said if they wanted a monkey. Gerard and Marc said good, and very happy they took in your house. The monkey’s name is Marcelo Flores and beautiful. They fed a monkey with bananas and other fruits. Marcelo Flores is very moved and very playful. They are very happy with his. The parents of Gerard and Marc are angry because do not like the monkey but when they see your children are very happy they also get happy. The days went by very quick and Marcelo Flores is doing big, isn’t young and he need a place greater. Gerard and Marc are think bring Marcelo Flores in the rainforest because will be much better.
Today Gerard and Marc were leaving Marcelo Flores in the rainforest and they are very sad but Marcelo Flores is very happy in rainforest and have friends.
divendres, 10 de febrer del 2012
Chayo’s Andean Home
Hello! I’m Chayo. My name is really Rosario, but everyone calls me Chayo. I live in Rio Negro, Colombia. Rio Negro is in the Andes Mountains, but not too high. It’s between
the town of El Encino and Cachalú National Park. Rio Negro is real small – just some farms and a school.
I live in a white house with my mom, dad, three brothers and six sisters. I have five brothers and seven sisters, but the older ones don’t live with us. We also have two dogs,
three cats and a parakeet named Felix. Here I am with my mom, my little sister and my baby brother.
My dad is a farmer. On our farm, we grow mostly coffee, but we have lots of other crops. We grow a little corn, beans, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, squash, plantains,
potatoes, oranges, avocados, limes, bananas, pineapples, and papayas. I love papayas; they’re my favorite fruit. We also have chickens, turkeys, two cows and a horse.
We all work on the farm, except for my younger brother and sister, who are too little. I know how to plant corn and vegetables, how to weed and fertilize. I collect firewood,
help my mom in the kitchen, feed the turkeys and chickens, and sweep the house. I can chop weeds with a machete, and pick coffee.
The coffee harvest here lasts from December to April. You have to pick only the red berries, and leave the green ones for later. Then you take the coffee beans out of the berries and dry them in the sun. It’s a lot of work.
I’m always happy when school starts, because it means I don’t have to do so much farm work. My teacher is Señora Solano. She’s really nice. Twice a week, Hilma and
Carolina from Fundación Natura visit my class. That’s my favorite time, because they teach us about plants and animals. I love animals, especially birds. Sometimes they
take us outside to look at birds. The coffee farms around here have lots of birds in them, because the coffee grows under trees that the birds like.
Carolina says Colombia has more different kinds of birds than any other country in the world. My favorite is the toche, a pretty yellow and black bird. Carolina has a book
about all the birds in Colombia. It’s in English, so they have different names – the toche is called ‘yellow-backed oriole.’
The azulejo, a little blue bird that’s always chirping, is called ‘blue-gray tanager’ in English.
The sittura, a brown bird with a long striped tail that’s always on our farm, is called ‘squirrel cuckoo.’ They seem like weird names to me.
Carolina explained that some birds only live in Colombia half the year. In April, they fly up to North America, where they build their nests and lay eggs. The chipe amarillo, a
little yellow bird I’ve seen near my house, is one of the birds that fly north. In English, it’s called a ‘Tennessee warbler.’ How’s that for a crazy name?
Carolina and Hilma took my class to Cachalú National Park, high in the mountains. We spent the night in a big old farmhouse, and hiked in the cloud forest. It must be the
greenest place in the world! It’s full of ferns, bromeliads, giant trees and tiny orchids.
We saw animals I’d never seen before, like a guache, or ‘coati, ‘ and
a toucancillo – a bright green bird with a big bill. It’s called ‘emerald
toucanet’ in English.
Cachalú is the home of the oso andino, a bear that looks like it’s wearing glasses. You would call it the spectacled bear. We didn’t see one, but maybe I will next time I go
there. I hope I can go back to Cachalú soon. It’s beautiful!
Did you like this story about Chayo? We found It in internet and We like it very much!
Marta and Silvia
dijous, 9 de febrer del 2012
Poison Arrow Frog

This is the story of a frog: Poison Arrow Frog.
It's a poisonous frog it's very beautiful and with its red and yellow clining. I hope we never find one! It would be horrible!
Bruna and Emma
Bruna and Emma
divendres, 3 de febrer del 2012
The Rain Forest Song
I was looking many videos about rainforest in youtube when I found this beautiful song. It is talking about different things of the rainforest.
Hello I’m
Hi, how can
I help you?
I was
walking in the park when I looked a TV ad about a photography course in the
Amazon and I thought I would like to subscribe it.
Yes! It is
amazing! We have a special offer for our first client, and this are you, it is
It is
tomorrow you take a plane to the Amazon. You will go to the airport at five
Ok, good.
Thanks for all.
welcome, Bye.
Good Bye.
Next day, Marta woke up and
she was very excited. She came to the airport and she waited the plane. While she
was in the plane, a girl the same age that she, said:
Hello, I’m
Silvia I think that come at the same course of photography. You’re Marta, true?
Yes, this
is me!
Do you know
that we sleep together in the same shelter?
No, anyone
warned me, but well I seem good this.
Ok, I see
you later!
More later when the plane to
land Marta and Silvia saw the
rainforest. “It is beautiful” thought the girls. Then, they went to sleep to
their shelter.
days passed very quickly and Silvia and Marta talked a lot and they got to be
good friends. One day they want to went to saw the reserve.
When they arrived in the reserve, they
saw all kind of monkeys. But there was special ones that they like more, it was
little and beautiful. Then arrived the director of the reserve went to Marta
and Silvia and, he saw that they were very excited. They were looking
the little monkey, he said:
It is
beautiful but we must have to close the reserve and the monkeys will leave, and
probably they will died.
In this moment, the girls watched the
monkey and they smiled. Then Silvia said:
Can we
to take a Monkey with as to Barcelona?
Yes it
is great idea! Good luck!
They went out of reserve with the
monkey, and, they thought that, It was the time to back to Barcelona.
First, we must think a name! – Said Marta
Yes! Does
it seem good Kiko? – answered Silvia
Ok it is
very funny!- said Marta while Silvia was laughing
When the plane to land at
Barcelona Marta and Silvia were very happy for all the adventures that they had happened in the Amazon. Suddenly Marta asked to Silvia:
Can you
come to my house this afternoon? We must decide what we have to do with Kiko!
We can’t take care of him in our house!
Yes it is
true! – Answered Silvia – Ok, I’m arriving to your house at fife o’clock, does
it seem good?
Ok, it is
perfect for me! Bye!
In the afternoon Silvia went
to Marta’s house and they thought that they can build a place where Kiko and
other chimpanzees of the reserve can live until a family adopts them. They talked
with the president and the reserve’s director and they thought that it was a
great idea. Silvia and Marta were very glad because they can help the
Now, two years later, Silvia
and Marta work at their reserve of chimpanzees and often they think of this journey
that changed their life.
Silvia and Marta
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